Case study

COO, Fund Manager

Our client, a relatively young and small (but growing), fund manager wanted to hire its first COO. The CEO (and co-founder) felt they had identified the right person but had met some resistance from a senior colleague and also a Board member.

To help our client be more confident in their own choice, and to convince others, we were asked to undertake due diligence. During the course of a number of conversations with previous colleagues of the identified COO, it became clear that the individual was everything our client hoped he was and therefore, buoyed by this feedback, our client felt sufficiently emboldened to make the decision to hire. Even before the new COO joined, he had already begun to win round some of the sceptics, and his performance in the role has vindicated the decision, but our client still feels that without our extra research, they may not have had the courage of their own convictions.